Yang, Zijun, #522
Yaroslavsky, L., #412
Yli-Harja, Olli, #213
Yoo, Jisang, #222 #225
Yoon, Youngrock, #222
Yu, Pao-Ta, #134 #442 #444
Yang, Zijun,
- Paper #522, "A Novel Variable Rate LPC Quantizer for High Performance Speech Coder"
Yaroslavsky, L.,
- Paper #412, "Nonlinear Adaptive Image Processing in Transform Domain"
Yli-Harja, Olli,
- Paper #213, "Statistical Characterisation of Stack Filters "
Yoo, Jisang,
- Paper #222, "Implementation of Parallel Adaptive Stack Filter Using PVM "
- Paper #225, "Synthesis of A Parallel, Optimal Stack Filter Training Algorithm"
Yoon, Youngrock,
- Paper #222, "Implementation of Parallel Adaptive Stack Filter Using PVM "
Yu, Pao-Ta,
- Paper #134, "Rank Ordered Neural Network Filters for Image Restoration"
- Paper #442, "On the Design of Adaptive Fuzzy Regression Selection Filter with the Application of Image Restoration"
- Paper #444, "Nonlinear Filter Design Based on Fuzzy Inference Rules for Image Processing"