MacAuslan, Joel, #527
Mahant-Shetti, Shivaling S., #133
Maiwald, D., #124
Manev, Ivan, #527
Markarov, Aleksej, #216
Markusson, Ola, #623
Marschner, Uwe, #622
Marshall, Stephen, #121
Martin, David A., #133
Mathews, V. John, #431
May, Kaaren, #331
Meddeb, Souad, #436
Merckle, Jean, #114
Merlat, Lionel, #114
Mertens, Mark, #344
Mili, Lamine, #536
Mitra, Sanjit, #524
Mizutani, Yoshinobu, #125
Mohammad-Djafari, Ali, #426
Moisan, E., #531
Moloney, C., #322 #343
Moore, Michael, #524
Moses, Randolph L., #424
Mottl, Vadim, #346
Muchnik, Ilya, #346
MacAuslan, Joel,
- Paper #527, "Identifying Laryngeal Attractor Changes from Periodicity Diagrams"
Mahant-Shetti, Shivaling S.,
- Paper #133, "Non-linear Filters for White Spot Compensation"
Maiwald, D.,
- Paper #124, "Nonlinear Image Processing for Automatic Inspection of Railroad Lines"
Manev, Ivan,
- Paper #527, "Identifying Laryngeal Attractor Changes from Periodicity Diagrams"
Markarov, Aleksej,
- Paper #216, "An OS Method for Decomposition of Cyclic Component Signals"
Markusson, Ola,
- Paper #623, "Identification of a Nonlinear EEG Generating Model "
Marschner, Uwe,
- Paper #622, "Hardware Implementation of a Nonlinear Parameter Estimator for Process Monitoring"
Marshall, Stephen,
- Paper #121, "Application of Non-linear Image Processing: Digital Video Restoration"
Martin, David A.,
- Paper #133, "Non-linear Filters for White Spot Compensation"
Mathews, V. John,
- Paper #431, "On the Exact Inverse and the pth Order Inverse of Certain Nonlinear Systems"
May, Kaaren,
- Paper #331, "A Simulated Annealing Genetic Algorithm for Blind Deconvolution of Nonlinearly Degraded Images"
Meddeb, Souad,
- Paper #436, "Identification of Time-Varying Nonlinear Channels using Polynomial Filters"
Merckle, Jean,
- Paper #114, "Nonlinear Cloning Template for Ultimate Erosion "
Merlat, Lionel,
- Paper #114, "Nonlinear Cloning Template for Ultimate Erosion "
Mertens, Mark,
- Paper #344, "A Robust Nonlinear Segment-Edge Finder"
Mili, Lamine,
- Paper #536, "Local Robustness of Nonlinear Regression M-Estimators"
Mitra, Sanjit,
- Paper #524, "A Generalization of the Teager Algorithm"
Mizutani, Yoshinobu,
- Paper #125, "Improvement of the DC-Shift Noise Reducer with Statistical Noise Separation Method and Adaptive Area Filtering Method Using a Local and Global Characteristics of Video Sequence"
Mohammad-Djafari, Ali,
- Paper #426, "A Bayesian Framework for Nonlinear Diffraction Tomography"
Moisan, E.,
- Paper #531, "Revisiting the Estimation of the Mean using Order Statistics"
Moloney, C.,
- Paper #322, "Selective Wavelet Coefficient Soft-Thresholding Scheme for Speckle Noise Reduction in SAR Images"
- Paper #343, "An Edge-Enhanced Modified Lee Filter for the Smoothing of SAR Image Speckle Noise"
Moore, Michael,
- Paper #524, "A Generalization of the Teager Algorithm"
Moses, Randolph L.,
- Paper #424, "Image Domain Scattering Center Models for Synthetic Aperture Radar"
Mottl, Vadim,
- Paper #346, "Generalized Edge-Preserving Smoothing for Signal Analysis"
Muchnik, Ilya,
- Paper #346, "Generalized Edge-Preserving Smoothing for Signal Analysis"