Kacprzak, Tomasz, #642
Kajikawa, Yoshinobu, #433 #631
Kanefsky, Morton, #122
Kannangara, Sharmila, #313
Karasaridis, Anestis, #326
Katsaggelos, Aggelos K., #231
Khandogin, I., #124
Koets, Michael A., #424
Koivisto, Pertti, #314
Kokaram, Anil C., #135
Kostin, Alex, #346
Kotropoulos, Constantine, #112 #333
Kowalski, Jacek, #642
Kummert, A., #124 #612
Kuosmanen, Pauli, #132 #233 #314 #535 #546
Kutics, Andrea, #111
Kacprzak, Tomasz,
- Paper #642, "VLSI Cellular Neural Network Based Median Filter for Real-Time Video Signal Processing"
Kajikawa, Yoshinobu,
- Paper #433, "A Design Method of a Nonlinear Inverse System by the Adaptive Volterra Filter -- The Application of the Summation Affine Projection Algorithm"
- Paper #631, "An Elimination Method of the Nonlinear Distortion in Frequency Domain by the Volterra Filter"
Kanefsky, Morton,
- Paper #122, "An Adaptive Near Information Preserving Image Encoder"
Kannangara, Sharmila,
- Paper #313, "The Use of Nonlinear Filtering In Automatic Video Title Capture"
Karasaridis, Anestis,
- Paper #326, "Webcasting and Web Network Traffic Measurements and Modeling with Alpha-Stable Self-Similar Processes"
Katsaggelos, Aggelos K.,
- Paper #231, "Iterative Regularized Image Restoration Using Local Constraints"
Khandogin, I.,
- Paper #124, "Nonlinear Image Processing for Automatic Inspection of Railroad Lines"
Koets, Michael A.,
- Paper #424, "Image Domain Scattering Center Models for Synthetic Aperture Radar"
Koivisto, Pertti,
- Paper #314, "Sample Selection Probabilities and Optimal Soft Morphological Filtering"
Kokaram, Anil C.,
- Paper #135, "Non-linear Interpolation of Missing Image Data Using Min-Max Functions"
Kostin, Alex,
- Paper #346, "Generalized Edge-Preserving Smoothing for Signal Analysis"
Kotropoulos, Constantine,
- Paper #112, "Face Verification Based on Morphological Dynamic Link Architecture"
- Paper #333, "Adaptive Multichannel L-filters with Structural Constraints"
Kowalski, Jacek,
- Paper #642, "VLSI Cellular Neural Network Based Median Filter for Real-Time Video Signal Processing"
Kummert, A.,
- Paper #124, "Nonlinear Image Processing for Automatic Inspection of Railroad Lines"
- Paper #612, "Analysis of the ML-EM Algorithm for Nonlinear Reconstruction of Positron Emission Tomography Images"
Kuosmanen, Pauli,
- Paper #132, "Nonlinear Filters and Rapidly Increasing/Decreasing Signals Corrupted with Noise"
- Paper #233, "Digital Watermarking Through Filtering"
- Paper #314, "Sample Selection Probabilities and Optimal Soft Morphological Filtering"
- Paper #535, "Robustness Aspects of the RASF"
- Paper #546, "Nonlinear Methods in Differentiators"
Kutics, Andrea,
- Paper #111, "Shape Extraction of Medical Objects via the Evolution of Gray-Scale Morphological Sequences"