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A Closed-Form Solution to the Delay Constraint in Noise Cancellation and Feedback Signal Separation

Akihiko Sugiyama 1 Michael Matejko 2
1 Information and Media Processing Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan
2 EECE, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Nuernberg, Germany

This paper presents a closed-form solution to the delay constraint in noise cancellation and feedback signal separation.
The input-output signal relationship is decomposed into two parts; convolutive demixing and instantaneous demixing.
The undesirable mutual output dependencies that lead to the delay constraint lie only in the instantaneous demixing.
These dependencies are expressed by simultaneous linear equations. It is shown that the solution to these equations is a simple closed-form expression of the input-output signal relationship with no mutual output dependencies. Computer simulation results demonstrates successful separation of the input convolutive mixtures of signals with no delay constraint.

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