Next Workshop

The International Workshop on
Acoustic Signal Enhancement was established in 1993, as the
International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control, (IWAENC) and
is the leading workshop in the signal processing community addressing
issues including:
- Acoustic echo and feedback suppression
- Noise reduction techniques
- Microphone arrays and array signal processing
- Acoustic sensor networks
- Acoustic source localization and tracking
- Source separation
- Dereverberation
- Active noise control
- Transducers and acoustic front-ends
- Hardware and real-time processing
- Speech databases and software tools
- Filter banks and multirate systems
- Speech and audio coding
- Acoustic event detection and scene classification
- Modeling, analysis and synthesis of acoustic environments
- Machine learning algorithms for acoustic signal processing
- Auditory modeling and hearing instruments
- Speech intelligibility enhancement
- Quality and intelligibility assessment
- New and emerging topics in speech and audio processing.
The IWAENC workshop is held every even year and interlaces with
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and
Acoustics (WASPAA). The three day program includes poster presentations
of recent work and latest results, keynote talks, and demonstrations.
The next workshop is IWAENC 2024 to be held in Aalborg, Denmark.