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Advanced Disambiguation of TDOA Estimates in The Presence of Reverberation

Cecilia Maria Zannini 1 Albenzio Cirillo 1 Raffaele Parisi 1 Aurelio Uncini 1
1 Cecilia Maria Zannini, Albenzio Cirillo, Raffaele Parisi, Aurelio Uncini, INFOCOM Dept., University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy

The Time Difference of Arrival estimate between the signals acquired by pairs of microphones placed in a room with a single sound source performed by maxima search of the Generalized Cross Correlation function is negatively affected by reverberation. Sound reflections in a room generate a great number of non direct source microphone paths each of which translates in an unpredictable number of spurious peaks in the GCC function. This paper illustrates results obtained by improving the performance of disambiguation algorithms with respect to mean processing time and mean estimation errors.

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